A TASMANIAN joinery fabrication company has achieved significant productivity gains and cost efficiencies through a new software-based CNC platform, which replaces conventional panel saw technology.
Vos Constructions & Joinery – whose clients range from private clients to large scale apartment and retail developments – has maximised production by using Planit’s Cabinet Vision software together with computer numerically controlled (CNC) cutting machines.
Tim Rumney, Vos Joinery and Shop Fitting Manager, said a key benefit of Cabinet Vision was its user-friendly, efficient application.
“It has the ability to nest a number of parts onto a flat bed router. Rather than having to cut your material with a saw the software does the work of optimising each panel to use it economically.
“The software has resulted in a boost to profit margins and has enhanced our ability to compete in a very tight market.”
Vos now requires three computer assisted designers to fulfil all its designing and manufacturing requirements, he said, adding Cabinet Vision software had proved invaluable on one of Vos’ largest and most complex jobs to date.
Engineered wholly and solely for the woodworking industry, Cabinet Vision is a screen-to-machine software.
For workshops automating their businesses with CNC equipment, Cabinet Vision is fully integrated with the Planit CNC centre, therefore providing a complete screen-to-machine solution and confirms all parts and part operations before sending data to the factory.
Cabinet Vision is designed to be easy to set-up for the building of cabinets using favourite joinery techniques. Based on a simple wizard, it allows the creation of unlimited set-ups, mixes various settings per job and changes from one style to another instantly and allows saving of the construction methods for use over and over again.
An operator can customise cabinet sizes, shape, or any construction to suit the customer’s needs.
Colours and textures can be selected for the whole room or for individual cabinets and parts.
Lighting and reflections can be controlled to bring these designs to life well before any manufacturing has begun.
For more information contact:
Planit info@au.planit.com