Manufacturing News

WA boosts agricultural manufacturing in Wheatbelt

A number of projects in Western Australia’s Wheatbelt have received funding to streamline their manufacturing processes, including to construct new warehouses, processing facilities and to purchase equipment.

“The government is investing in new projects across the Wheatbelt to increase local manufacturing capability, drive innovative new agricultural opportunities and showcase the region through tourism,” Regional Development Minister, Alannah MacTiernan, said.

“The Wheatbelt is our state’s biggest agricultural production region, so it is vital that we continue to support projects that grow our agricultural industry and provide opportunities to diversify, value-add, and seek new markets for our products.

“Supporting manufacturing projects like Bruce Rock Engineering’s workshop helps to create long-term jobs in Wheatbelt towns, encouraging young trainees to live and work in the region.”

Bruce Rock Engineering will receive $150,000 to construct a new workshop to streamline manufacturing and increase production capacity to meet the growing demand for engineered products such as trailers and dollys.

Rowles Agricultural has been allocated $100,000 to support the construction of processing facilities for a new business – WA Craft Malt. The business will produce a variety of heritage malt for the niche Western Australian craft brewing and distilling industries using local sustainably grown barley.

Kochii Eucalyptus Oil will receive $100,000 to purchase and develop equipment for a second processing unit to harvest mature Mallee trees to produce Eucalyptus oil.

Great Southern Seed Works will receive $90,000 to purchase and install equipment to enable the production of new bagged stock and poultry feed products and processing of new grains, creating a niche value-added market.

Caternet has been allocated $50,000 to establish a processing plant at Brookton to manufacture innovative, healthy, and convenient packed dry food mixes that utilise fruit, vegetables and grains products produced in the Wheatbelt.

Finally, Marvick Native Farms will receive $25,000 to develop facilities for the production of Australian native food and botanical planting material specifically for the commercial production of fruit, vegetables and botanicals in the Wheatbelt and other areas of WA.

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