Manufacturing News

US consumers boycott Chinese made goods

IN the wake of recalls earlier this year of millions of toys containing lead paint and other dangers, seafood tainted with chemical residues, and toothpaste containing an antifreeze chemical, some US consumers have become wary of Chinese goods.

In a Reuters/Zobgy poll realeased on October 17, it was found that a total of 75.8 per cent of almost 1,000 people surveyed said they would not buy Chinese-made toys.

On September 19, a similar poll found that 16 per cent were buying no Chinese-made goods at all and 23 per cent would not buy food or toothpaste from China.

In addition to safety hazards, people said they were avoiding Chinese-made products for a number of reasons, including human rights issues and the environment.

Consumers in the US however, are finding it difficult to avoid goods made in China, with a large majority of toys, games, sporting equipment and clothing sold in major retail outlets, all from China.

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