ABB Australia’s performance services team at the company’s transformer site located in Darra, QLD, has been working hard to improve water usage across the site, resulting in reducing water consumption by up to 60%.
A number of water saving initiatives have been put in place at the site over the past 10 months, helping reduce the site’s water consumption from 31kl per day to just 12kl per day.
Water management has been a key focus for the company’s performance services team on site, who signed a Service Level Agreement with the Darra facility in February 2007.
Shane Harrison, ABB performance services site manager, said sustainability continues to be a focus in all facets of the operations executed by performance services at Darra.
“This positive result indicates the scale of improvement that can be made in raising energy efficiency on site,” Shane said.
The team have implemented a number of initiatives to help the site control its water usage, including the use of automation technology on the water supply. A Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP) has been developed to help achieve an additional 10 per cent improvement in the site’s water efficiency.
Graham Jones, Darra site manager and VP, transformers said that he was very pleased with the vast improvements that Shane Harrison and the performance services team at Darra have achieved in the time spent to date.
“Our water usage had become important to address in the past months, which Shane’s team have responded quickly and effectively to. The site will continue to strive for ongoing savings in this area.
”The next step in energy management at Darra will be to reduce the amount of electricity used through lighting on site, including signage and building lighting.
The site is currently planning to use LCD technology for new signage lighting, resulting in a forecast CO2 emissions reduction of 2,500kg per year.