3D printing, Advanced Manufacturing, Grants and funding, Northern Territory

The Northern Territory Government invests $492,000 into digital printing technology

The Northern Territory Government has announced a $492,000 investment into new digital printing technology for the state.

Chief Minister, Natasha Fyles, said investing in new industries means the state can continue to diversify and become a resilient economy.

“To date, the AMEF program is on track to create up to 100 new manufacturing jobs and generate up to $37.5 million into the Territory’s economy over the next five years,” she said.

Colemans Printing, which has branches in Darwin and Alice Springs, will introduce a brand-new HP digital label solution with custom finishing capabilities, which will cater specifically to Northern Australia climates, and provide traceability, artificial intelligence and augmented reality.

The technology will enable Colemans to support industry needs, including the transition to National Packaging Sustainability Targets, which states that 100 per cent of packaging must be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025.

It will also reduce the need for businesses to outsource similar capabilities from interstate, with Colemans able to supply important sectors including shipping, oil and gas, mining, health, agriculture, and beverages and food.

The technology is a collaboration between Colemans Printing, Currie Group and Charles Darwin University, and it is the latest project to be supported by the Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem Fund (AMEF).

The AMEF is administered by the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre, as part of an $8.75 million partnership with the Northern Territory Government over five years.

Minister for Advanced Manufacturing, Nicole Manison, said, “Growing the Territory’s advanced manufacturing industry is a key part of our strategy to grow the Territory economy to $40 billion by 2030 and create more jobs.”

Colemans Printing marks the seventh project across the Territory to be awarded co-investment through the AMEF.

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