Last December, the Queensland state government planned for a new development scheme for the Bromelton State Development Area (SDA) that they hope will boost industrial growth and create jobs in the Beaudesert-Scenic Rim region.
Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said the second development scheme for the 15,610ha Bromelton SDA would help attract more businesses to the area, where SCT Logistics opened a $30 million freight terminal in January.
“The release of this scheme, on top of the completion of major new infrastructure including a $26 million water supply pipeline and the $27.5 million Beaudesert town centre bypass, will position Bromelton as a major economic and job creating hub for the future,” Dick said.
“A development scheme is a planning instrument used by Queensland’s independent coordinator-general to assess and decide development applications.
“A big advantage is that proponents have a one-stop shop to get their applications efficiently assessed.
“This planning framework streamlines the development assessment process, provides certainty for industry and community and manages the effects of development,” he said.
“Since the approval of Bromelton SDA’s first development scheme, the Coordinator-General has approved a range of developments, including several intensive agriculture facilities, a renewable energy facility, a strategic intermodal logistics centre, and a transport depot.”
The Scenic Rim Regional Council, state agencies and key infrastructure providers were consulted during the drafting of the draft development scheme which was released for public consultation earlier this year.
Bromelton is one of 10 Queensland SDAs established by the Coordinator-General to foster the development of large-scale, heavy industry and supporting infrastructure.