AS WELL as continuing its role as principal sponsor of the Endeavour Awards for the fourth successive year, BlueScope Steel is once again proud to be sponsoring the prestigious Australian Steel Innovation Award for 2009.
“Given our historic role as an integral part of Australia’s manufacturing sector, it is only natural that BlueScope Steel should play a key role in the Endeavour Awards,” the company’s corporate brand manager, Michael Reay, said.
“Naturally, as Australia’s primary steel manufacturer we have a special affinity for manufacturers and products which demonstrate the ingenuity and cleverness which steel seems to encourage.
“That is why we deepened our involvement last year to sponsor the inaugural Australian Steel Innovation Award and why we have renewed that sponsorship for 2009,” Reay explained.
“BlueScope Steel supports the Manufacturers Monthly Endeavour Awards for manufacturing excellence because we believe they provide recognition and encouragement for local businesses competing successfully, often in the face of global competition.”