Manufacturing News

Solar battery revolution held down by red tape

Transgrid and City of Sydney chiefs have warned that red tape has threatened to flatten the solar storage battery revolution by restricting the use that electricity suppliers and user can make of their solar panels and batteries.

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore and Transgrid chief executive Paul Italiano said regulations are struggling to keep up with the pace of change in batteries, solar panels and smart grid systems and could stifle the rollout of the technology.

The City of Sydney has solar panels installed at about 20 sites in it local government area but Ms Moore said red tape penalised efforts to use panels at one site to meet shortages at other sites.

Transgrid plans to install 500 kilowatt hours of batteries at City of Sydney’s Alexandria depot to allow the city to install more solar panels and also to meet network shortages at peak demand times.

Rules need changing

“Energy market rules urgently need to be modernised for businesses and residents to take full advance of clean technology,” Ms Moore said.

Mr Italiano said network operators and customers had to be able to unlock both sources of value to make it economic to deploy battery systems rapidly. But a proposed “ringfencing” rule will force them to choose between one or other use.

“We have got customers coming to us saying, ‘why can’t you do this new technology’?” Mr Italiano said.

“If we don’t get this rule change right, it can limit the full potential of new technologies such as battery storage.”

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