Manufacturing News

Schneider Electric is ‘FEX-ing’ the future

IN A boost for sustainable manufacturing, Schneider Electric announced it’s proud to be a foundation member of the FEX-SIM initiative, which was recently launched by Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States.

Gore praised the enterprise and said “If we give business the right initiative, business will respond.”

FEX-SIM, the Financial and Energy Exchange Sustainability and Cleantech Investment Market, is aimed at concentrating investment in sustainability and cleantech stocks, as well as in carbon and environmental commodities.

Lionel Finidori, Schneider Electric’s Managing Director of the Pacific Zone, identified strategic challenges facing the business.

“In the coming 30 years, the consumption of electricity will double. At the same time, we have to reduce carbon emissions by 50% if we want this growth to be carbon, or emission neutral,” Finidori said.

FEX-SIM is one arm of the broader enterprise FEX, the Financial and Energy Exchange Ltd.

Founded by derivatives trader, Brian Price, FEX aims to establish the world’s first stock market dedicated to sustainability and Cleantech stocks.

It also plans to establish FEX Climate, the other arm of FEX, which will provide a climate hub for business leaders including a market for carbon and environmental (C&E) products.

“Our solutions to save energy can help companies to reduce their carbon emissions and improve their environmental impact,” Finidori said.

“That’s really where it makes very good business sense. Sustainable development is good for Schneider Electric, and Schneider Electric is good for sustainable development.”

For more information:

*Scheider Electric – email sarah.byrne@au.schneider-electric.comor visit the company website at

* Financial and Energy Exchange (FEX) – visit the website at

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