Lindo has taken out the safety solution of the year at the 2023 Endeavour Awards for the Lindo Chamber.
Lindo chamber is a chemical free disinfection chamber for use on patient stretchers and other healthcare mobile assets.
Utilising proven germicidal light sources, Lindo Chamber has been designed to mitigate the use of hazardous chemicals traditionally used to disinfect healthcare equipment.
Mitigate chemical procurement, reduce chemical waste and improve equipment sustainment. Fully automated, a five minute disinfection cycle in the Lindo Chamber, replaces the reliance on paramedics to complete the same task, manually, in 25 minutes. Reduce burnout, increase productivity, and improve the health and wellbeing of frontline workers.
Weld Australia proudly sponsors the Safety Solution of the year category.
Weld Australia represents the welding profession in Australia. Weld Australia’s primary goal is to ensure that the Australian welding industry remains both locally and globally competitive, both now and into the future.
A not-for-profit, membership-based organisation, Weld Australia is dedicated to providing their members with a competitive advantage through access to industry, research, education, certification, government, and the wider industrial community.
Pickup the February edition of Manufacturers’ Monthly for a full review of the awards.