More than a dozen training organisations across South Australia will share $2.5 million in grants as part of the Government’s commitment to tackle skills shortages and boost the training sector.
Grants have been awarded to not-for-profits, industry training organisations and TAFE SA for much-needed teaching and training tools, the latest technology and hands-on equipment in sectors including health, construction, disability and agriculture.
It’s part of a $9 million investment in equipment and capital grants for TAFE SA, not-for-profit and industry-based provided announced in the 2023-24 Budget to ensure South Australians get access to the best training that leads to a rewarding career.
A range of industry sectors have been supported through these grants including:
*Agriculture and conservation
*Automotive service and repair
* Community services
*Construction and plumbing
*Creative industries
The State Government is also delivering on its $7 million commitment to enable high-quality training in SA for 39 not-for-profit and industry-based training providers. The increase in funding recognises the important and unique role not-for-profit and industry-based providers play through close connections to the community and employers.
It comes as latest data shows South Australia is leading the nation with the number of students enrolled in vocational, education and training (VET).
The state has recorded increases in training activity for students, program enrolments, hours of delivery, and subject enrolments, in the first six months of 2023 when compared to the same period a year earlier.
For South Australian government-funded training programs in the first six months of 2023 – student numbers increased by 9.5 per cent, from 49,940 to 54,665. This was 5.5 percentage points above the national increase of 4 per cent and the highest percentage increase of the states and territories.
A further $500,000 is being made available for the development of new and responsive training products that help tackle shortages and for trainer scholarships.
This investment follows the ratification of the landmark National Skills Agreement, under which the SA Government will invest more than $1.4 billion in skills in addition to $850 million from the Commonwealth over the next five years.
The Equipment and Capital initiative builds on the work already undertaken by the SA Government in making significant investments in the skills sector:
* $28 million to provide not-for-profit and industry training providers with additional funding to address skills shortages.
*Over $12 million to return aged care, disability and early childhood courses to TAFE SA’s metropolitan campuses.
*$9 million in equipment and capital grants for TAFE SA, not-for-profit and industry providers.
*$5 million to upgrade TAFE SA’s Mount Gambier campus.
*Funding of $2.6 million to establish five regional skills centres in Cleve, Berri, Port Augusta, Murray Bridge and Mount Gambier.
* $8.8 million to address skills shortages in areas including cookery, bricklaying and concreting.
* The signing of the $2.3 billion National Skills Agreement (NSA) is the largest increase in funding for skills in South Australia’s history.