HELD earlier this month, the latest information session for the contestants of the National Robotics Innovation competition, continued to further develop the skills of tertiary engineering students through the interaction and collaboration between industry, students and universities.
The third information session in the series was on Presentation skills.
This was chosen as the focus topic to help develop the student’s confidence and skills in order to present their competition proposals effectively to the judging panel, made up of a Board of Directors.
In support of the competition, Maura Fay Workshops generously offered to hold the session for free.
Maura Fay is one of the leading training providers for organisations across Australia and worldwide, and this was evident on the night.
In just three hours they were able to convey a wealth of knowledge, of which the content was highly appropriate.
The evening workshop included the science of presenting through a mastering voice, body language, nerve control techniques, competently managing visual aids and aligning intent with impact.
The evening was a major success, thanks to Maura Fay, with many of the students commenting that the skills they learnt will be extremely valuable in the future.
The competition is nearing its peak with the first round of judging scheduled for the 30th September, the winner of the competition will be announced on 31st October.
The winning entrant will be able to see their proposal become a reality — with their idea being simulated in Robot Studio.
Other prizes include ABB simulation software, work experience and programming training courses.
If you would like more information on the competition, or would like to find out how you can get involved for next years program, email ABB robots@au.abb.com.