Defence, Manufacturing News

Public comment welcomed for Osborne Submarine Construction Yard

The public have been invited to provide comments on the planned Nuclear-Powered Submarine Construction Yard Draft Strategic Impact Assessment Report for Osborne, South Australia.

The public consultation period will run from 3 February to 17 March 2025, with Australia set to begin the build of its fleet of conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered SSN-AUKUS submarines at Osborne, by the end of this decade.

“The Australian Submarine Agency invites the local community to review the Draft Report and have their say,” said First Assistant Director General SSN Construction, Australian Submarine Agency, Kate van Hilst.

“The works planned for the SSN-AUKUS program, including the development of infrastructure, are being designed to ensure the protection of our people, the public and the environment in South Australia.”

To facilitate the build of SSN-AUKUS, the Nuclear-Powered Submarine Construction Yard will enable Osborne to become one of the most advanced technological hubs in the world and help meet our long-term defence needs.

The ASA has worked closely with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to progress a Strategic Assessment under Part 10 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, culminating in the development of this Draft Report.

The Draft Report outlines measures to be taken to mitigate potential impacts on Protected Matters, as a result of the construction and operation of the Yard, and includes findings from environmental assessments undertaken as part of the process.

Hard copies of the Draft Report are available for review at Port Adelaide Library (2-4 Church St, Port Adelaide) during the public consultation period.

The ASA will review and consider submissions received via the ASA website, email or in-person at our community drop-in sessions as part of the Public Comment Period.

The Draft Report can be viewed here:

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