Manufacturing News

Productivity reform to position rail for future challenges

AN ISSUES paper to support a strategic review of rail productivity has been released for public comment yesterday by the National Transport Commission (NTC).

The review will provide an important input to the Australian Transport Council’s National Transport Policy reform agenda across all modes.

Despite economic growth and high fuel prices, rail’s share of the transport task on many corridors continues to fall.

The issues paper explores opportunities to improve transport policy-making, land-use planning, regulation and investment to better connect transport networks and improve capacity and service.

NTC Chief Executive Nick Dimopoulos said the challenges of climate change, rising oil prices, energy security and urban congestion provide significant opportunities for the rail sector.

“A strategic focus on productivity and economic reform is urgently needed to ensure the rail industry plays its part in meeting those challenges.”

Public responses to the issues paper are welcomed by 18th September, 2008.

A Draft Position Statement will be released in November 2008 for public comment, with a Final Position Statement to be released in March/April 2009.

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