
Diagnosing maintenance problems

THE handheld Fluke 810 Vibration Tester enables maintenance teams to rapidly collect data and diagnose and solve mechanical problems.

It is designed and programmed to diagnose common mechanical problems of unbalance, looseness, misalignment and bearing failures in a wide variety of mechanical equipment, including motors, fans, blowers, belts and chain drives, gearboxes, couplings, pumps, compressors, closed coupled machines and spindles.

When it detects a fault, the tester identifies the problem and rates its severity on a four-level scale to help the maintenance professional prioritise maintenance tasks, and recommends repairs.

Context-sensitive on-board help menus provide new users with real-time guidance and tips. It uses a simple step-by-step process to report on machine faults the first time measurements are taken, without prior measurement history.

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