Manufacturing News

PFG Group floats Tasmanian boatbuilding capabilities

PFG Group

The PFG Group – a local marine industry manufacturer – has constructed an 11-metre Sentinel ultra-durable, High Density Polyethylene prototype vessel through a three-year no-interest loan from the Tasmanian state government. 

Through the $600,000 committed at the 2021 State Election, PFG Group built the new Sentinel vessel for the defence sector in Australian and international markets. 

The Sentinel will be transported to Sydney this week and will form the cornerstone of the Tasmanian state government’s defence industries display at the Indo Pacific International Maritime Exposition at Darling Harbour in Sydney. 

PFG Group CEO, Rob Inches, said the company has a global reputation for excellence which continues to put Tasmania’s advanced manufacturing skills on the map. 

“The support of the Tasmanian government for this project has been vital and now we have a vessel that not just our employees can be proud of, so can all Tasmanians,” he said. 

“We are also delighted that we are able to continue the Tasmanian tradition of building innovative and latest technology boats – a heritage that actually spans almost 200 years in our state.”   

Manufacturing in Tasmania has been revitalised in recent years, and the Tasmanian government has a clear plan to boost and support the industry to be world leaders of cutting-edge advanced manufacturing. 

This plan is reflected in their previous State Election commitment of an additional $10 million over four years to support advanced manufacturing and defence industries to collaborate, innovate, commercialise and scale up to create jobs and further opportunities for Tasmanian businesses. 

The Tasmanian Defence Industry Strategy was designed to increase opportunities for Tasmanian businesses in the defence sector, and contracts like this one between PFG Group and the New Zealand government shows its combined efforts are working. 

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