Defence, Manufacturing News, Skills and training

New WA Defence TAFE Centre of Excellence

The Federal and Western Australian Governments are investing $14.6 million to deliver training facilities to give Australians the skills needed to build and maintain critical Australian defence capabilities, through the WA Defence TAFE Centre of Excellence.

This is a milestone in the WA defence industry that has the potential to deliver tens of billions of dollars in new defence capabilities and thousands of well-paid, high‑skilled jobs over the next two decades.

“With the number of defence projects coming down the pipeline in WA, we need the skills which will build them,” said deputy prime minister, Richard Marles.

“The WA Defence TAFE Centre of Excellence will develop these skills, and will see high-tech, well-paid jobs at the same time.

“It is an exciting time for the defence industry here in Perth and we are giving every opportunity for Western Australians to join the industry.”

The $14.6 million will be invested so that Western Australians can get the skills in advanced manufacturing they need to begin a rewarding career in the defence industry.

The Centre will focus on teaching the newest and best skills across maritime, air, land, space and cyber security sectors.

Alongside helping WA workers to upskill and secure high-tech, well-paid jobs, the Centre will build a pipeline of defence skills to keep Australians safe.

This Centre is also set to help to realise the vision of the recent historic Cooperation Agreement on Defence signed by the Commonwealth and WA governments to deliver critical future defence capabilities in WA.

It builds on generational Federal Government defence investments in WA, including in a new Defence Precinct at Henderson, depot-level maintenance and contingency docking for AUKUS submarines at Henderson, delivery of continuous naval shipbuilding in the West, and the establishment and operation of Submarine Rotational Force-West at HMAS Stirling.

The Centre will also work to boost completions and engagement for students in defence sector training, in-line with the National Skills Agreement.

The Centre will also spearhead a range of new critical programs in defence sector training:

  • The Women in Defence Industry Scholarship Program will be extended and be led by the Centre. The six-month program provides WA women the opportunity to train on electronics and engineering alongside qualified tradespeople;
  • Year 11 school students will be able to take part in the new Defence Industry Pathways Program School-based Traineeship. Students will learn about the various career options in defence industries and achieve a Certificate III in Defence Industry Pathways.

This Centre will work in partnership with universities to scope out higher-level apprenticeships that focus on innovative curriculum and learning practices.

Operating through a network of four South Metropolitan TAFE campuses across WA, the Centre will deliver better administrative practices including development of a Curriculum Advisory Group, Community of Practice, governance framework and related governance policies and procedures. 

The Australian Government is investing $325 million under the five-year National Skills Agreement to establish a network of up to 20 TAFE Centres of Excellence.

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