Manufacturing News

New members for Future Manufacturing Council

Industry minister, Senator Kim Carr, has appointed two new members to the Future Manufacturing Industry Innovation Council.

Dr Leanna Read, CEO and Managing Director of TGR Biosciences, and Ms Lusia Guthrie, CEO and Managing Director of LabTech Systems, both from South Australia, will join the council for its second meeting held 26th February in Sydney.

“The Australian Government is committed to a strong and competitive manufacturing sector,” Senator Carr said.

“Bringing together a panel of manufacturing industry experts to map the way forward for this industry through innovation-intensive, green technology is the way to achieve this.

“Dr Read and Ms Guthrie are a valued addition to the council’s current expertise and knowledge base.

“Together, council members are helping to identify opportunities for Australian manufacturers in the global response to climate change, such as clean energy and water technologies.

“By laying down the groundwork now we will help secure future high-level employment in this key industry.

“The council is working to strengthen connections between industry, the research community, unions and government and provide leadership to the industry as a whole.

“It is clear that the council will have a critical role in helping the Australian manufacturing industry position itself for the future.

“I want to ensure that the council can draw on a diverse range of insights and experience and am very pleased that Dr Read and Ms Guthrie have agreed to contribute their expertise.”

Ms Read is a founder of Adelaide biotechnology company, TGR BioSciences, and has been the CEO since the company’s incorporation in June 2001. She is a physiologist by training with over 90 scientific papers and is an inventor on two patents. She has led successful research and commercial ventures, including the CRC for Tissue Growth and Repair, widely considered to be one of the most successful commercially focused CRCs. Her contributions to the biotechnology industry have been recognised by appointment to boards such as the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council, the Federal Government’s Industry Research & Development Board and the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme Committee. She also serves on the SA Economic Development Board and the SA Premier’s Science and Research Council and she is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. Ms Read holds adjunct professorial positions at Flinders University as well as University of SA, and has been awarded the highest commendation from both universities: A Convocation Medal from Flinders University and Doctor of the University from University of SA. She is also a recipient of several industry awards including the inaugural Biotechnology Industry Service Award by the Australian Biotechnology Association (now AusBiotech); a Centenary Medal for services to the IR&D Board and its committees; the 2006 S.A. Premier’s Award for Science, Technology and Innovation Management Excellence; and the 2006 South Australian of the Year in the Category of Science and Technology.

Ms Lusia Guthrie, Managing Director Lab Tech Systems LtdMs Guthrie (BAppSc MSc STC) holds a Masters degree in Science and Technology Commercialisation from the University of Adelaide and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Medical Technology from the University of South Australia. She has executive level operations and manufacturing management experience with a major international pharmaceutical company. Areas of expertise include product development, production and supply chain management, project management, industrial relations and regulatory compliance. She has completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors programme and has held several non-executive Board appointments. Recently, Ms Guthrie has worked in intellectual property management and commercialisation for a leading Adelaide research institute. She is a Director of public listed companies Vet Biotechnology Ltd, Apomab Ltd and SDP Technology Ltd and was, up until recently, a member of the Manufacturing Consultative Council for the State Government of South Australia.

Future Manufacturing Industry Innovation Council Members are:

Mr Philip Binns (Chair), Managing Director, Varian Australia Pty Ltd

Mr Pat Boland, Joint Managing Director, ANCA Pty Ltd

Mr Lyle Bruce, Chief Executive Officer, GroundProbe Pty Ltd

Ms Sharan Burrow, National President, ACTU

Mr Peter Cockbain, Past President, Engineers Australia and Founder and Technical Director of AmpControl Pty Ltd

Dr Calum Drummond, Chief, CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering

Mr Brad Dunstan, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing

Dr Bronwyn Evans, Senior Vice President, Cochlear Ltd

Dr Michael Green, General Manager, Manufacturing Innovation Branch, Manufacturing Division, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

Mr Bruce Grey, Group Managing Director, Bishop Technology Group Ltd

Ms Lusia Guthrie, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, LabTech Systems LtdProf Erol Harvey, Research Leader, IRIS (Swinburne) and CEO of MiniFab Pty Ltd

Mr Erich Hofmann, Managing Director, Hofmann Engineering Pty Ltd

Mr Paul Howes, National Secretary, Australian Workers Union

Mr David Malloch, Chief Executive Officer, Malloch Digital Design Pty Ltd

Mr Dave Oliver, National Secretary, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

Mr Tony Quick, Director & General Manager, GKN Aerospace Engineering Services Pty Ltd

Dr Leanna Read, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, TGR BioSciences Pty Ltd

Prof Elizabeth Taylor AO, Executive Dean, Sciences, Engineering & Health, CQUniversity Australia

Ms Diane Tompson, Managing Director, Powercom Group

Ms Sylvia Tulloch, General Manager, Dyesol Industries Pty LtdMr Gary Zamel, Managing Director, Latitude Investments Pty Ltd

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