A recent survey conducted by Cirrus Media’s Industrials Group has confirmed Australia’s manufacturing industry believes the Abbott government will be good for business.
The survey, which was hosted on a number of B2B websites targeting manufacturing professionals, including Ferret.com.au, Food Magazine and Manufacturers Monthly, found that the industry believes Tony Abbott and the new Coalition government will help the country’s manufacturing industry.
Out of 1,338 respondents, more than 60 percent of respondents are confident that the Abbott government will be good for the sector. Only able to vote for one of four survey questions, 38.42 percent said the Abbott government will be good for business, while just over 23 percent of voters said getting rid of the carbon tax will help the industry.
Just over one-quarter of respondents believe an Abbott-led government will “drive Australian industry into the ground”, with 27.06 percent of voters sceptical that the new PM will deliver positive results for the manufacturing sector, while 11.06 percent said the lack of a manufacturing and mining specific minister will harm business.
Just prior to Australians heading to the polls, Labor’s Industry minister (at the time) Kim Carr referred to this year’s election as a “referendum on the future of the manufacturing industry.”
His comments came as the Coalition released its policy on the industry, which included more modest support than that of the Labor government, but comprised $50 million worth of grants for “Export Market Development” and “Strategic Growth Action Agendas”.
“They (the Coalition) have no grasp of what the global financial crisis and the high dollar have done to manufacturing,” Carr said.
Despite this, the Abbott-led government prevailed on election day, receiving more than 53 percent of the primary vote and winning 91 seats.