Manufacturing News

LX Innovations xx Electronics Design House: Superior Components – Superior Design

LX Innovations agrees that the idiom “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” can be applied to Electronic Designs.
During the design of an electronic device, there are many decisions forged about optimum system architecture, thermal stability, component precision.
During these phases, components which potentially constitute the completed design are evaluated for harmonious mechanical and electrical performance criteria. When the components under consideration are selected from a pool of well-known, well-understood, and trusted components, the design process is expedited and the final product becomes reliable and strong.
The ‘Cool Tool’ Pool Microchip Technology Inc. ( is a leading provider of microcontroller, analog and memory semiconductors, providing low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market for thousands of diverse customer applications worldwide. Microchip serves over 63,000 customers in more than 65 countries who are designing high-volume embedded control applications in the consumer, automotive, office-automation, communications and industrial control markets worldwide. Microchip has become a worldwide standard and is recognised as the number one supplier of 8-bit microcontrollers, based on worldwide unit shipments.[1] Leverage the Best Microchip sponsors a program to encourage the adoption of its fine selection of offerings. The Microchip Authorised Design Partner program is a symbiotic arrangement for both the design partner and Microchip. For Microchip, an increased uptake of its components provides obvious business fulfilment. For the partner, increased support and exposure from the Microchip web site and special promotions are afforded. Electronics design houses may apply to Microchip for this status, and must meet the technical requirements and experience prior to the granting of formal recognition. Through the free exchange of product knowledge, access to hands-on training in Microchip’s Regional Training Centres (RTCs) and a full range of development tools, Microchip’s design partners expediently design and develop with Microchip’s broad portfolio of semiconductor devices. For the clients of Microchip Authorised Design Partner, this means lower design costs, faster time-to-market, and significantly reduced project risks. Superior Design Processes Given that the project challenges and design complexity are managed through selection of well-known and understood components from a pool of strong candidates, the design processes can receive increased focus and attention. Ultimately then, project effort is expended importantly on the Design phases rather than the research elements, yielding tangible results earlier. LX Innovations Pty Ld Electronics Design House is a Microchip Authorised Design Partner. LX Innovations’ engineers are experienced and conversant with a spectrum of Microchip products, especially the PIC strain of microcontrollers. LX Innovations is equipped with state-of-the-art tools for applications development around this trusted component core: Superior Components – Superior Designs ____________________ [1] Gartner Dataquest, 2005 Microcontroller Market Share & Unit Shipments, Tom Starnes, June 2005

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