Manufacturing News

Lot Fourteen welcomes a new space tenant

The burgeoning hub for Australia’s space ecosystem, Lot Fourteen at the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site, is now home to space-start up Neumann Space.

The company is developing propulsion technology to improve the thrust performance of satellites.

Neumann Space will share its site with Inovor Technologies, and the two companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Under the agreement the companies will work together, as Neumann Space will provide propulsion systems for Inovor Technologies’ nanosatellites.

The collaboration closes the link in the space supply chain, as the two Australian companies can closely work together.

“This level of collaboration will further strengthen the capability of our local space ecosystem, and help us make a footprint on a national and international scale,” said South Australian Premier, Steven Marshall.

Neumann Space has been successful in receiving $850,000 from the SA government, through the Department for Innovation and Skills’ Research, Commercialisation and Startup Fund.

The company had previously been located in Sydney but moved to Lot Fourteen to be close to other space companies.

“The vision, inspirational environment and understanding of the needs of technologically leading- edge startups is just right,” said executive chairman of Neumann Space, Peter Schultz.

The SA government hopes that other companies will follow Neumann Space’s lead, and deliver the advanced manufacturing jobs and economic benefits that the government seeks.

“There are enormous economic and employment benefits flowing from the activity that is occurring in these emerging industries at Lot Fourteen,” said Minister for Innovation and Skills, David Pisoni.

Neumann Space joins a number of other space businesses and organisations in the startup hub.

“I’m delighted to see Neumann Space be a part of the thriving neighbourhood at Lot Fourteen, which is already home to the Australian Space Agency, SmartSat CRC, Myriota, Inovor Technologies and a growing cluster of companies in high-growth industries such as defence, space and cyber,” said Marshall.

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