Manufacturing News

How to use meat bandsaws safely

WorkSafe Victoria has distributed a Safety Alert called ‘Safe use of meat bandsaws’ designed to help control OHS risks and hazards in food manufacturing, manufacturing, and basic and fabricated metals manufacturing areas.

The alert, found on the WorkSafe Victoria website, provides practical advice for employers about controlling hazards while using meat bandsaws.

“Meat bandsaws are commonly used in the meat industry for portioning meat and other products,” the alert says.

“In Victoria, meat bandsaws have been associated with a number of serious incidents and injuries to both experienced and inexperienced operators.”

According to the alert, the most common causes of injury from meat bandsaws are lacerations and amputations of fingers, lacerations of other parts of the body, musculoskeletal injuries from repeating tasks and forcing product through the bandsaw blade.

The Safety Alert provides a list of various hazards, possible consequences and recommended controls to keep workers safe.

Image courtesy of

Do you use meat bandsaws? If so, do you find this Safety Alert useful? Comment below on on Twitter


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