Manufacturing News

Furniture manufacturers go online

Australian furniture manufacturers have a new multimedia online demonstration that promotes efficient production practices across the industry.

Released by the Furnishing Industry Association of Australia (FIAA) and funded by the national training system’s e-learning strategy, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework, the 5S – Furnishing Industry Association of Australia e-learning demonstration is both a training course and an on-demand reference tool.

The demonstration features the 5S – Toyota Production System (TPS), a production philosophy that promotes efficient timely product delivery, while maintaining quality output.

5S — TPS, often referred to as ‘lean manufacturing’, originated in Japan in the 1950s and can be found in some of the worlds most efficient manufacturing economies.

The demonstration includes the 5S:

Sort — remove any unnecessary clutter

Set in order — organise supply and production lines

Shine — clean your workplace

Standardise — establish procedures

Sustain — undertake training and development for improvement.

The demonstration simulates the implementation of 5S — TPS into a manufacturing workplace through an animated presentation featuring Dave, the furniture manufacturer, his workshop, and Jenny the DIY presenter.

The step-by-step interactive demonstration is also an additional resource for workers enrolled in Certificate IV in Competitive Manufacturing.

Although this demonstration covers an introduction to the manufacturing industry, it and others on the E-learning for Industry website can be referred to for e-learning examples across a variety of industry sectors.

To access the 5S – Furnishing Industry Association of Australia e-learning demonstration, its case study, business plan and other additional information visit:

For more information about 2008 funding opportunities and the 40 industry e-learning demonstrations developed between 2005 — 2007 visit the E-learning for Industry website at:

This industry-focused website provides rich resources, such as an online Practical guide to e-learning for industry where businesses can discover how to make e-learning work in their organisation.

For more information about industry use of e-learning contact Jenny Dodd, Industry Integration of E-learning Business Manager on (02) 6207 4955 or email:

For more information about the Framework, its products, resources and support networks, contact: (07) 3307 4700, email: or visit:

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