Manufacturing News

Free Lean Manufacturing book available

Lattice Technology has released Chapters 5 & 6 of the new book, “Improving Lean Manufacturing Through 3D Data” by Dr. Hiroshi Toriya.

First published in Japan in late 2008, this book is targeted at manufacturing executives and educators trying to work out new strategies to build greater productivity and efficiencies into existing manufacturing processes.

The book covers a wide range of case studies from leading Japanese manufacturers, along with recent survey data, to build understanding of how manufacturing can be enhanced using 3D data in downstream processes.

It also explains the evolution of 3D and IT in the industry, and shows how it can be leveraged into other areas of manufacturing that are still using traditional processes.

Chapter 5 describes the main six areas identified by the author where 3D design data can be adapted to create more efficient manufacturing processes.

These areas include automated design review, process design, motion simulation, and creation of process documentation, 3D parts lists and 2D technical illustrations for use downstream.

This same chapter also details the XVL applications that fulfill these six key areas — applications developed and innovated by the author and his team members.

Chapter 6 delivers an in-depth use-case study at JEOL Ltd., a manufacturer of transmission electron microscopes, scanning probe microscopes, mass spectrometers and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers.

Using Autodesk Inventor as its standard 3D design platform, coupled with XVL and the XVL applications for downstream adaptation of 3D data, the company has successfully introduced 3D across the entire enterprise.

This chapter describes in detail the strategies and processes employed by the company to successfully introduce the shop floor employees to 3D data in their workflows. T

his latest book is available free and exclusively from Lattice Technology and two chapters per month will be released to registered recipients.

The book delivers 13 Chapters which include case studies on major manufacturers including Toyota, Brother Industries, Niigata Power Systems, Alpine Precision Inc., and more.

To find out more, view selected pages and to register to download the book, visit

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