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Federal Government introduces new efficiency standards for EV’s

The Electric Vehicle Council has congratulated the federal government on driving Australia into the global mainstream.

The Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) has congratulated the federal government on driving Australia into the global mainstream through the introduction of new vehicle efficiency standards, promising greater choice and lower fuel bills for Australian motorists.

New vehicle efficiency standards (NVES) incentivise car manufacturers to ensure all new cars they sell, on average, meet benchmarks for efficiency. This means manufactures can still sell vehicles with heavy emissions, but they must be offset by sales of low or zero emission vehicles.

NVES have ensured that drivers in North America and Europe have been offered maximum choice, including the best and most efficient new vehicles on the global market. Australian cars use a third more petrol than American cars on average.

EVC cheif executive Behvad Jafari stated, “This announcement from the federal government, when legislated, will give Australians a greater choice for the cars they want and put money back in their pockets through lower fuel bills.

“Within a few short years it will mean the average family will not have to spend as much on imported petrol, which we know is hugely volatile on price.

“Australia has always been at the back of the queue when it comes to the best and cheapest electric vehicles, because car makers have been incentivised to offer them elsewhere first. That should end now with this policy, and Australian car buyers should notice the change very quickly.

“By bringing Australia into line with the US and Europe, car manufacturers will now be incentivised to offer Australians their best zero and low emission vehicles. Motorists will still have the choice to buy what they want, but they will be offered much better options to choose from.

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