Monash University has signed a MOU with ENGIE, a global energy company, to potentially co-develop scalable zero-carbon solutions which accelerate implementation of Monash’s NetZero Initiative – winner of 2018 UN ‘Momentum for Change Award.’
In its broader scope, the collaboration to be developed under the MOU will see Monash and ENGIE build the foundations for better cities, globally. Through coordinated deployment, research and education activities, the companies aim to explore and develop Net Zero solutions for cities and major precincts.
The opportunities being explored will be an important step in implementing Monash’s Net Zero Initiative, according to Monash University deputy vice-chancellor and senior vice-president (Enterprise and Governance) Professor Ken Sloan.
“It will harness both of our strengths to tackle the critical global challenge of reducing carbon emissions before the irreversible impacts of climate change are felt by the world’s ecosystems, societies and economies,” Sloan said.
“Building on ENGIE’s world leading approach to R&D for decarbonisation, the Monash research community has an incredible opportunity for long-term societal impact starting right here on our own campus,” Monash Energy Institute director, associate professor Ariel Liebman said.
ENGIE Australian and New Zealand CEO Augustin Honorat praised Monash University for its early adoption of a net zero emissions target and capturing knowledge for future innovations.
“ENGIE is excited to sign the MOU and looks forward to working with Monash to help achieve their net zero target by 2030 and to accelerate, together, the global transition to net zero emissions,” Honorat said.
“We’re looking forward to bringing ENGIE’s global expertise to projects undertaken as part of the MOU and to any future collaboration with Monash to demonstrate our solutions in a local context.”
ENGIE will join an ecosystem of partners across academia, government and industry in working with Monash to create solutions for real-world application.
Under the MOU, activities that will be undertaken include:
- Net Zero Precincts – Monash and ENGIE will lead a 4-year Linkage program co-funded by Australian Research Council to develop an interdisciplinary approach to decarbonising cities. Monash Sustainable Development Institute’s Professor Rob Raven will lead the program and experiment with net-zero at scale for energy, mobility and building sectors.
- Clayton Campus Roadmap to Net Zero – This aims to architect and define the infrastructure investment, financing, energy procurement and operational opportunities required to ensure a cost-effective approach to transforming Net Zero emissions at the Clayton campus.
- 360 degree City Scan – Completed by ENGIE company Tractabel, this will provide insight into how evolved the city is regarding mobility, productiveness, resilience, inclusiveness, attractivity and connectivity. This will aid in developing and prioritising solution development.