In response to the growing interest for this new technology Camplex is giving an overview of the current status of DDM at Austech.
DDM allows you to manufacture plastic parts directly from CAD without the need for tooling. This process is currently suitable for low and sometimes medium size volume production.
Rapid Manufacturing, also know as direct-digital-manufacture, generative manufacture of additive fabrication, is one of the most exciting emergent technologies available to global industry today.
RM uses 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) data to directly ‘print’ or ‘grow’ parts in a variety of polymeric, metallic, ceramic and organic materials.
RM allows companies to manufacture ever more complex and optimized components at very low unit volumes. It is suggested that RM could enable a step-change for manufacturers that will ultimately result in manufacturing being maintained in high wage economies.
The advantages that RM brings are already being commercially exploited by organisations such as Siemens, BAe Systems, Boeing, NASA, Freedom of Creation and many others, to gain commercial advantage today.
Much academic research is also being undertaken into RM, and it is the aim of this conference to impart to industry and academia the state-of-the-art in Rapid Manufacturing, so that commercial advantage can be exploited and new avenues can be explored.
One presentation will be Improving Your Process with 5-axis Machining
5-axis CNC machining has been around for many years but has not been used much in the industry until recently. The main reasons for this is that 5-axis machines were very expensive and the available CAM software not so capable and very difficult to use. This presentation will highlight the benefits of using 5-axis milling in manufacturing operations.
The second presentation will be CNC Machining of Hard Materials
CNC machining directly into hard materials can sometimes be difficult and in the past thought of as nearly impossible. With new developments in cutter technology, modern high speed CNC machining centres and high-speed cutting strategies from the CAM software, it is now possible. A combination of all three is necessary and this presentation will highlight the requirements for machining in hard materials.
For more information call Fred Carlstrom on 0419-573 873