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Steelmaster Industrial

118 Logis Boulevard

Dandenong South, VIC

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Type Engineering - Fabrication
Sub Type Cutting Equipment
Class Band Saw
Model SM-HBS270N
Year 2024
Sale Price 3190 $2,850 + GST
Listing Type New
Stock Number 15-0395
RefCode TA1025860


Price is subject to GST.
This saw is built for accuracy and production! Easy angle set-ups between 0 and 60 degrees means no wasted time between cuts. Lever controlled blade guide locks allow adjustments right up to the work piece for optimum support and the blade guides have fully adjustable ball bearings so you know you're going to get straight cuts. And when you're done, use the quick release lever and stock length stop to get on with the next cut. It's fast and simple to use! We have included other features including carbide blade guides, blade pressure gauge, hydraulic down feed, trigger switch operation, to set this aside from other base machines.

Features !
Quality Taiwanese Build Quality
variable hydraulic down feed system for the automatic continuous lowering of the saw frame
mitre cutting to 60
new operated friendly front control panel
deadman trigger switch
blade tension gauge
quick release vice
easy mitre adjustment
electronic coolant system
quality hydraulics
hydraulic variable down-feed control
carbide blade guides
complete with stand
CE compliant

Technical Data
230mm round capacity
245mm x 180mm rectangular capacity.
mitre cutting range - 0 ~ 60 degrees
speed range - 45 & 90 m/min
blade size: 2480mm x 27mm x 0.9mm
dimensions: 1400mm x 620mm x 1450mm
freight dimensions: 1400mm x 590mm x 890mm
weight: 225Kg
power: 1.5Kw 415V or 240VOLT IN STOCK

Recommended Add On Accessories
15+0030 - 2480 x 27 x 5/8 Vari -Tooth Rontgen German Quality Bandsaw Blade.
15+0031 - Bandsaw Bimetal Blade 2480 x 27 x 0.9 6-10tpi Starrett Quality Blades
15+0032 - Bandsaw Bimetal Blade 2480 x 27 x 0.9 10-14tpi Starrett Quality Blades
15+0290 - Roller Stands.52mm x 400mm Adjustable Height. 650 - 1080 High 200kg load capacity
15+0291 - Roller Stands. Heavy Duty 52mm x 125mm V - Type Adjustable Height 580 - 970 high 200kg capacity
15+0268 - Roller Conveyor 3000mm Long x 290mm Wide.60 mm Rollers, Legs Sold Separate.
15+0269 - Roller Conveyor Legs. To Suit 290mm Wide x 715mm ~ 1050mm Adjustable Height.
15+0199 - SM-HBS Bandsaw Conveyor 90 Degree Mounting Bracket Adjustable Length & Height Slots
15+0191 Calibrated Length Stop Roller Conveyor Kit, 360mm x 3000mm Linear Measuring System & Flip Up Length
11+0707 Alfra Rotabest - Magnetic Swarf Remover
15+0187 - Coolant Mineral Based XDP-1000 5Lt Drum Metalium - Soluble - 20:1 Mix