Manufacturing News

Custom angle machining boss

KURT has introduced the 5C Angle Boss for mounting in any Kurt 6-inch vice. This manually clamped 5C fixture allows machining any custom angle desired or 24 precision indexes (±2 arc-min) using the mount’s special index pin.

Setup is fast and easy. Once the machining position is determined, simply clamp the 5C fixture using the 11/4 inch thick ground steel jaws.

The vice will now hold the 5C fixture for most machining operations. Parts can be clamped and unclamped using the 5C clamp screw. Collets may also be changed from the top of the fixture without disturbing the original setup.

The 5C Model Angle Boss accepts a 31/4 inch 3-jaw chuck (sold separately). This is a high quality, dead length 5C holder designed to save many hours of expensive setup time, giving Kurt vice users yet another option for improving machining centre productivity.

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