The first of CSL’s new buildings from a $250 million investment at its Broadmeadows site will start producing biopharmaceuticals for clinical trials early next year.
Hume Weekly reports on upgrades to the high-tech manufacturer’s Broadmeadows facility, with recombinant products including factor IX scheduled to be produced in early 2013, and the immunoglobin Privigen scheduled to be produced in 2015.
"We operate 24 hours a day, year round," albumin manager Jason Gilmour told Hume Weekly, adding that the company was committed to the safety of its pharmaceutical manufacturing.
"Starting from that first question about lifestyle when you donate blood all the way through to our stringent processing techniques here, the focus is on providing the safest possible life-saving products for critically ill patients," he said.
CSL (as Commonwealth Serum Laboratories) is a formerly government-owned organisation, which went private and then listed on the ASX in 1994. It posted its first US billion-dollar global profit last financial year, most of which came from overseas sales.