Manufacturing News

CSIRO Opening the doors to robotics and automation

As part of National Science Week 2007, CSIRO is opening its robotics and automation laboratories in Brisbane for everyone to explore.

Visitors will see the very latest technologies in robotics, sensors and automation for environmental management, mining and industry.

There will two Open Days — Saturday, August 25 for the general public and Monday, August 27 for schools.

On show will be a robotic helicopter, several large automated industrial vehicles that are able to operate without human intervention, and Starbug, CSIRO’s robotic submarine.

The latest advances in sensor networks research will also be on show demonstrating how compact, low-cost sensors can monitor anything from the temperature in your kitchen to the level of water in a dam, and use this information to help manage our resources more sustainably.

Visitors can find out more about these exciting fields of discovery and meet the scientists making it happen.

There will be demonstrations and talks running all day, people to meet and plenty of opportunities to explore careers in science and technology.

CSIRO Education will be there with activities to challenge the mind. It is sure to be a day filled with fun and learning.

When: Saturday, August 25, 10am to 4pm (general public); Monday, August 27, 10am to 4pm

(pre-registered schools only — register at

Where: Queensland Centre for Advanced Technologies, 1 Technology Court, Pullenvale, QLD 4069

(Limited parking available, or catch the 444 Moggill Bus from the city).

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