Coopers has announced a profit of $26.3 million, an increase of 17.5 per cent, for the year.
The South Australian beer maker has out-performed rivals, including British-owned SABMiller (owner of Foster's) and Japan’s Kirin. Kirin, owner of Lion, grew Australian and NZ revenues in beer, spirits and wine for the six months to March by 1.7 per cent. SAB’s revenues fell 13 per cent in the June quarter, The Australian reports.
Coopers, currently in its 150th year of operation, also benefited from pre-tax profits of $500,000 from the US home brewing company Mr. Beer, of which it acquired 80 per cent earlier this year.
Current drinking trends are away from drinking beer and towards cider and craft beer, reports The Sydney Morning Herald, but Coopers has maintained healthy sales.
Coopers’ ownership is in its fifth generation. The company was named best family business in the world last year by CampdenFB magazine.