Manufacturing News

Chobani confident Australian success will continue

The US yoghurt company Chobani, which acquired Bead Foods in Gippsland and opened its Australian operations late last year, is confident of building on its success in this country.

The Land reports that Chobani – now stocked in every Woolworths store – has a new factory that will be operational next month and will boost capacity to 30,000 litres. It also produces certified organic Gippsland Yoghurt.

“At the moment, along with our Gippsland brands, we already hold about 8pc of the market share,” said Peter Meek, the company’s Australian managing director.

“But for us it's not about that. The brand's success has been established because of people discovering the product and liking it – and then passing that information forward.”

It announced in May this year that it would source its milk locally.

Chobani launched in the UK earlier this month. It is the number one yoghurt in the US, where it commands half of the market for Greek yoghurt, and began in New York in 2005.

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