Bathroomware manufacturer Caroma Dorf has been recognised for its sustainability performance at its Wetherill Park factory in Sydney, with an award from the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water.
Caroma Dorf received the Green Globe Business Water Award for 2010 at a gala award ceremony on 27 July 2010 at NSW Parliament House, hosted by the NSW Minister for Climate Change and the Environment, Hon. Frank Sartor MP.
Now in its 11th year, the Green Globe awards reportedly attracted a record number of entries, and were judged by an independent panel of experts.
The awards showcase outstanding achievements in the sustainable use of natural resources in NSW, and leadership in tackling climate change.
Through the introduction of a range of initiatives Caroma Dorf has actively sought to reduce water consumption and recycle wastewater in its manufacturing processes at its manufacturing facility in Wetherill Park NSW.
The installation of sub flow meters has allowed for accurate measurement of water usage to highlight areas and opportunities for water reduction and reprogramming the vitreous china casting machines has resulted in saving more than six million litres of water each year.
Caroma Dorf is also close to completion of a trial at its factory to implement an ultra filtration water treatment plant. During its six month trial period, the factory has measured an 80 per cent reduction of process waste water dumping to the sewer.