Manufacturing News

Boost for Australian industry participation welcomed

The Industry Capability Network has welcomed the announcement by Senator Kim Carr of a $19.1 million funding boost for the organisation.

David McLachlan, Chairman of Industry Capability Network (ICN) said the organisation has been managing the Supplier Access to Major Projects (SAMP) program for the Department for 12 years.

“We know that when we introduce Australian suppliers to major projects that over 30% of the available contracts are won locally. We have experts in capability matching in over 20 offices around Australia.

“This funding boost is all about ensuring full, fair and reasonable opportunity for Australian companies to bid for Australian opportunities. If they are good enough in terms of price, quality and timeliness then they should be afforded the opportunity to present their case for consideration.

“We are also extremely pleased with the announcement of the appointment of supplier advocates. The inclusion of Australian industry participation plans in Commonwealth government tenders and the announcement of tightening of the guidelines for the Enhanced Project By-law Scheme and Tariff Concession System are also welcomed.

“These initiatives will ensure that where there are competitive Australian suppliers, buyers will be aware of those companies and their capability and the suppliers will be more aware of the contract opportunities on offer.

“This makes good business sense. We are looking forward to working with the Government and the advocates to bring about improvements in market opportunities,” McLachlan said.

ICN is funded by the Commonwealth, state and territory Governments to facilitate the matching of capable and competitive Australian companies with local and global supply opportunities both in the public and private sectors. Most of ICN’s services are provided free of charge.

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