Manufacturing News

BlueScope workers threaten strike

More than 400 BlueScope workers will hold a 24 hour rolling work stoppageat Port Kembla next Wednesday unless a deal is made over its new workplace agreement.

This is not the first time workers have threatened strike action this month.

Earlier this week, the Port Kembla workers stated they will carry out protected action unless a breakthrough is made.

According to the AFR the main sticking points in negotiations have been the steel maker's plan to switch from state based agreements to the national workplace system.

Unions have already agreed to smaller pay raises to ensure the company continues through the current slump, but have baulked at the plan to move to the national system, whcih they say would challenge job security.

“We know they [BlueScope] are doing it tough, that’s why we have agreed on the money,” Mr Phillips said. “But there’s no reason to go raiding our conditions.

“We don’t want to damage the company but if we have to take protected action, then so be it.”

A two hour stoppage was held last week.

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