Manufacturing News

New recognition in India to help Australian exporters soar

An Australian Made Campaign logo is now registered as a trademark in India, which allows Australian exporters to have a registered symbol that can be used on locally made or grown exports into India.

The famous Australian Made, Australian Grown (AMAG) logo became formally registered as a trademark in India, Australia’s fifth largest export market, in January.

Australian exporters can now establish products as genuinely Australian and it is legally protected under Indian law.

Australian Made chief executive Ben Lazzaro said the formal registration of the logo in India now provides an essential legal framework which exporters can rely upon in the event that the logo is copied or used without proper authority.

READ: Australian start-ups head to India to gain entrepreneurial skills  

“India, which is among the fastest growing economies in the world, presents a huge opportunity for Aussie makers and growers and we’re proud to help our nation’s exporters leverage this emerging market,” he said.

According to Austrade, the Australian government’s trade, investment and education promotion agency; Australia exported $16,326 million worth of merchandise to India during the 2017-18 financial year.

Goods regularly sent to India include agritech and dairy and premium food and beverages – in addition to goods from the resources division (such as oil and gas).

Austrade trade commissioner for India and Pakistan, Dr Mark Morley, said India will offer Australian business more potential growth opportunities over the next 20 years than any other single market.

“There’s no single major market out to 2035 with more growth opportunities for Australian business than India.

“By 2035, the Indian economy will be one of the major poles of global economic power”, he said.

The logo registration work was carried out by Australian Made Campaign partner Wrays, an independent intellectual property specialist firm.

The registration covers 10 classes (Classes 3, 5, 20, 25, 29-33 and 35) that extend to a wide range of products including:

  • 3 – cleaning products, soaps, toiletries, cosmetics
  • 5 – pharmaceuticals, veterinary pharmaceuticals, infant formula
  • 20 – furniture
  • 25 – clothing and footwear
  • 29-33 – food and beverages
  • 35 – retail services

The formal registration of the AMAG logo in India follows its registration in other key export markets including USA, China, Singapore and Korea where it is highly recognised as Australia’s mark of authenticity

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