Grants and funding, Manufacturing News, Quantum Technologies

AUS quantum future to be boosted by $5.5 million funding

Applications are now open for round 2 of the Australian Government’s $36 million Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP). 

The CTCP invites solutions to market-led challenges in biosecurity, First Nations health, transport and logistics, and energy, with applications closing on the 26 February. 

Round 2 supports businesses to partner with Australian research organisations, technology end-users and other interested parties.

It aims to accelerate commercialisation for quantum technologies from early-stage, when private capital is hard to secure.

CTCP invites applicants to form consortia and address some of Australia’s most significant national challenges using quantum technology.

There are 4 challenges in round 2:

  • Improve biosecurity outcomes by enhancing the detection of invasive pests or diseases, and cargo inspection processes. 
  • Improve life expectancy, health outcomes and access to health technology for First Nations peoples. 
  • Optimise transport routes, logistics and supply chain operations. 
  • Optimise the performance, sustainability, and security of energy networks. 
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