Manufacturing News

Asbestos OHS gets a lift with new training course

A NEW training course, Bonded Asbestos — Nominated Supervisors Training has been developed to better ensure the safety and well being of workers.

The NSW Government has amended the OHS Regulation 2001 to improve the safety of workers and the public from unsafe exposure to Asbestos.

The amendments reduce the threshold limits for when a WorkCover NSW licence is required to remove bonded asbestos.

The change will be implemented in two stages.

From July 1, 2007 the existing limit will be reduced from 200 square metres to 50 square metres or more of bonded asbestos.

From January 1, 2008 there will be a further reduction from 50 square metres to 10 square metres or more of bonded asbestos.

TAFE NSW in response to industry and regulator requirements has delivered asbestos removal training across wide ranging industries for the past several years to more than 10,000 participants.

Bonded Asbestos Removal (Construction)

Bonded Asbestos Removal (Electrical)

Asbestos Removal (Friable Asbestos)

With the above changes to the threshold persons undertaking smaller asbestos removal work will now require a licence from WorkCover NSW.

To obtain a bonded asbestos licence a nominated supervisor must now complete recognised training to manage and supervise the asbestos work being carried out.

TAFE NSW has developed a WorkCover NSW recognised 4 hour program Bonded Asbestos – Nominated Supervisors Course for people who supervise teams in the bonded asbestos removal areas.

Contact your nearest TAFE NSW Institute or the TAFE PLUS Enquiry Service on 1300 131 499 or email

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