Manufacturing News

Are you ready to take on the world?

Australian businesses have unprecedented opportunities as business becomes increasingly globablised. But how ready are they for the challenges of fully participating in global supply chains? And how does the ‘global readiness’ of your business compare within your industry sector?

EFIC, the Federal Government’s Export Finance and Insurance Corporation, is currently conducting the first-ever Global Readiness index — a comprehensive study of the drivers, decisions, barriers and risks Australian companies face in exporting goods and services or establishing offshore facilities.

The research also looks at ease of access to financial and other assistance from government, industry associations, advisers and commercial financiers.

The key findings will be reported in The Diplomat magazine’s annual Global 100 issue and launched by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in mid April.

The Global Readiness index is expected to inform the debate on the help needed by companies seeking to expand and compete internationally.

All participants in the research will receive a customised benchmark summary report in early March, comparing their responses with all other participants, and specifically with respondents from within their own industry sector.

In addition, participants will have access to the full report when published.

Companies wishing to participate in EFIC’s Global Readiness index and receive their customised benchmark report should go to the link below.

The online questionnaire takes around 15 minutes, and the deadline for completion is Friday 29 February 2008.

The first 200 companies to complete the Global Readiness index will receive a year’s subscription to The Diplomat magazine, valued at $50.

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