The Victorian state government is backing a new project that will address local industry and employment needs in Ararat, Stawell and the surrounding region, according to a press release by their premier’s website.
Treasurer Tim Pallas visited AME Systems in Ararat to announce $228,000 from the Regional Skills Fund to establish an Industry Skills Coordinator, which will link job seekers to industry, and help connect them to necessary education and training.
“The new skills coordinator will be a link between people looking for a job, trainers, formal education, and employers,” Pallas said.
The project will also identify priorities for workforce development in and around Ararat and Stawell, and help find training solutions to local issues, align training provision to industry needs, assist industry to navigate the training system, and grow the educational aspirations of community members.
The project is championed by the Central Highlands Regional Partnership in response to priority issues raised by local communities.
It has been developed by a steering group comprised of a wide cross section of community and industry group leaders that will continue to guide the project.
The steering group includes representatives from Central Grampians Local Learning Employment Network, Stawell Neighbourhood House, Grampians Community Health, East Grampians Health Service, Ararat Regional Business Association, StawellBiz and two local major manufacturers – AME Systems and Gason.