Manufacturing News

AI partnership to advance multi-trillion dollar smart manufacturing industry

A strategic partnership hoped to drive the US$2.2 trillion (A$2.8 trillion) manufacturing market in the US will adopt a heavier approach towards artificial intelligence (AI) internationally.

LiveTiles, the global software company based in New York, has joined forces with the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII), and will focus on promoting efficiency, growth and competitiveness using LiveTiles’ AI-powered bot technology.

The company has experienced customer and subscription revenue growth, having expanded its presence in the US and beyond, including Europe and Australia.

CESMII supports manufacturing sectors including automotive, aerospace, chemicals, composites, food and beverage, industrial gas, glass, micro-electronics, metals and fabrication, pulp and paper, refining, petrochemicals and plastics.

“LiveTiles is a world leader in collaboration and AI software and we look forward to partnering with them to deliver innovation solutions and real productivity improvements for the US manufacturing industry,” said Jim Wetzel, CEO of CESMII.

LiveTiles is also working with the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (SMLC), a public-private partnership established by the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC), to improve the interaction between man and machine.

The focus will be to deliver intelligent workplace technology, including bots and collaboration platforms, that “empower the worker” and “deliver true digital transformation”, according to a statement.

“This is an exciting partnership and another strong endorsement of LiveTiles’ AI technology,” said Karl Redenbach, the company’s CEO and co-founder.

“We look forward to working closely with the SMLC to meet its goals by combining the strength of the American worker with intelligent technology.”

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