The extensive portfolio of Functional Safety Devices from SEW-EURODRIVE, is part of the MOVI-C® modular system portfolio, enabling users to implement simple to complex safety functions, in a multitude of safety applications.
An integrated automation concept, starting with the safety controller, through the machine control system to the sensor technology, is the key to success, especially in the area of safety technology.
Normative requirements and the option of man and machine working hand in hand require more and more plant areas with functional safety technology. This makes functional safety an integral part of every application.
With its functional safety portfolio, SEW-EURODRIVE is extensively expanding the MOVI-C® family, by enabling users to add safety functions into automation technology from the drive level and to a controller level.
Our portfolio
Consistency and flexibility – are two characteristics that go hand in hand in the MOVI-C® Portfolio. The safety portfolio as a component of MOVI-C® is harmonised to the capabilities of the drive level.
“With safety being built into all units, the basic unit features safe torque off (STO) for the highest-risk areas of performance level Pl e. with safety option cards extending the functionality of the units, this versatile card can be used both for challenging safe position monitoring tasks and for switching off the power to motors in machines and systems,”says Osem Jibrail – national industry specialist.
SEW-EURODRIVE offers a consistent and comprehensive portfolio for implementing entire automation solutions in functional safety applications, which encourages the sourcing of relevant hardware all from the place.
A one-stop-shop for hardware, software and service, and with added bonus of SEW quality.
If users decide to use individual automation components from a third-party supplier, they benefit from the flexibility and open concept of the MOVI-C® modular automation system.
True to the motto “No matter what I decide”, both options are available to the user.
Thus, the concept of the MOVI-C® modular system coupled with the excellent quality and outstanding service make the safety portfolio from SEW-EURODRIVE unique on the market across the entire spectrum of factory and machine automation.