Innovation Minister, Senator Kim Carr, is claiming that opposition leader Tony Abbott has “demonstrated once again his profound hostility to Australian manufacturing” by proposing to take $500 million from the Automotive Transformation Scheme.
According to Senator Carr, this “shows his callous disregard for the future of the automotive industry and the 200,000 workers and their families who depend upon it.”
“The ATS underpins the automotive industry in Australia. In South Australia alone it constitutes 2.5 per cent of state GDP,” said Senator Car.
“I trust Mr Abbott has had the courage to front the workers at Elizabeth and tell them he intends to put their jobs on the line.”
Abbott’s proposal comes in addition to the tough decision taken to close the Green Car Innovation Fund to help rebuild devastated communities.
“I’ve spoken to the companies, to workers and to unions to affirm that our commitment to the automotive industry remains strong, and the bulk of the funds in the Government’s New Car Plan remain intact,” Senator Carr said.
“It’s a disgrace that Tony Abbott sees this as an opportunity to sacrifice the gains we made through the New Car Plan by slashing funding to pre-2007 levels.
“Only Labor understands that manufacturing is vital to a broad-based and sustainable national economy.”
Through the $5.4 billion New Car Plan, which includes the $3.4 billion Automotive Transformation Scheme, the Government claims it will continue to invest strongly in the automotive industry up to 2020.
The Government’s continued commitment is underpinning investment, building capability and expanding markets internationally, Senator Car claims.
He says it is producing higher-quality vehicles and high-skilled, high-wage jobs for Australians.
“The Green Car Innovation Fund put up to $500 million into our manufacturing sector, which will secure approximately $2 billion in total investment,” Senator Carr said.