
2014 Endeavour Awards launch

Are you an Australian manufacturer? Of course you are. And you’re reading this because we want you to know that entries are now open for the industry’s leading awards program in this country.

Manufacturers’ Monthly’s Endeavour Awards have been recognising and celebrating excellence for 11 years, and we want your entry for 2014’s Endeavours, to be held in May.

There have been well over 1,000 finalists during the Endeavours’ history, and – if you’ve been doing well in any of the areas below – you could be helping to swell their ranks.

Categories for 2014 will include

–          Safety Scheme of The Year: Sponsored by SICK, this category will celebrate a successful scheme that has made work at a manufacturing plant safer.

–         Technology Application: Sponsored by IFM, the recognises those who have successfully applied a new technical solution to manufacturing;

–         Environment: Sponsored by Atlas Copco, this category is for a company that has used a solution to decrease the environmental impact of their operations.

–         Global Integration: Sponsored by ICN, this category is dedicated to companies who successful engage in global supply chains.

–         Industrial Application: Sponsored by BOC, this is the category for Australian innovations for industrial use.

–        Enterprise Connect Significant Achievement Award: This category recognises Australian companies who have made productivity improvements since

–        Australian Consumer/Trade Product: this is an award open to those who have a new Australian product for consumer or trade uses.

–        Lifetime Achievement: This is an award open to those who’ve made a lasting and meaningful contribution to the Australian manufacturing industry.

–        Australian Metal Innovation: This category is for new companies with new, innovative products that use Australian metal.

We are also pleased to note that BlueScope Steel remains the principal sponsor of the Endeavours.

All finalists will be featured both in Manufacturers’ Monthly magazine and on our website early next year.

A full list of last year’s champions can be seen here.

For more detailed information (coming soon) on each category, keep an eye on

Finally, write to editor@manmonthly.com.au for an entry form, because we want everyone to know about the great things you’ve been doing in the industry. Good luck!


Image: http://upandrunning.bplans.com/

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